A Turn for the Douche — Trump reaches down for VP pick

A Turn for the Douche

Trump reaches down for VP pick

Bryan Zepp Jamieson

July 16th 2024


Before he became a vulture capitalist and began his descent into utter dirtbaggery, JD Vance would occasionally say some things that suggested at least some personal integrity. For instance, in his book Hillbilly Elegy, he described Trump as “cultural heroin” and someone “leading the white working class to a very dark place”.

He told a friend, “I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn’t be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he’s America’s Hitler.”

In 2016 he told the NY Times, “Mr Trump is unfit for our nation’s highest office.”

Also: “I can’t stomach Trump. I think that he’s noxious and is leading the white working class to a very dark place.”

Or how about “Trump makes people I care about afraid. Immigrants, Muslims, etc. Because of this I find him reprehensible. God wants better of us.”?

Well, that’s all bye the bye now. He’s now Donald’s choice as vice presidential candidate, there to fluff Donald on command and snarl and threaten all those who oppose Donald.

It just happened to be coincidence, I suppose, that the update that Vance had been named VP candidate happened just as my disk mix started playing Garfunkel and Oates’ “This Party Just Took a Turn for the Douche.” (NSFW, but very funny).

The GOP has been on a steady downward trajectory since 1964, when the John Bircher crowd managed to make Barry Goldwater their nominee. He lost by a huge margin, of course, and what the Birchers (read: The Koch Brothers) learned was they would have to set up a vast propaganda apparatus and take control of the nation’s press, suborn the legislatures and courts to make it easy to buy elections, and get at least one major party to put their interests well ahead of the nation’s.

Thus was born the Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society, thousand of other “think tanks” (Goebbelese for “propaganda pits”), Rush Limbaugh and his control of AM radio throughout rural America, a vast right wing network, the takeover of local news and newspapers, and the neutering of “mainstream” media such as the New York Times or CNN.

If you think Trump and Vance 2024 is as low as it gets, expect it to get much worse. Germany 1938 worse.

Trump is Trump. He got grazed by a bit of shattered glass, and one of his fans was killed trying to shelter his family from the bullets. Trump never tried to call to console the family—instead he went out and played golf. It’s an example, though, of how thoroughly he has poisoned the minds of his followers: President Biden DID try to call the widow to console her, and they refused to take the call. Better to be ignored by a fascists then cared about by a Democrat, I suppose. That’s pretty sick.

Trump is trying to pretend he knows nothing (“I know Nuffink!!”) about Project 2025, and his followers are marching in lockstep. They’ve been told to say that Agenda 2030 is a far greater danger to America. Here’s a link to that 2015 laundry list of goals: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Read it, and cower in terror. They want you to be fed, clothed, housed, free from tyranny, and all kinds of mean nasty horrible things like that. The right is hoping that while you are running away waving your hands and squealing like a piggy, you pretend that Project 2025 is just an example of liberal hysteria and no self-respecting conservative supports it and besides it’s not all that bad any way. Here’s a link to that: https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf Since it’s over 900 pages, you might just want an overview: https://democracyforward.org/the-peoples-guide-to-project-2025/

The fourth pillar of Project 2025 (yes, it has pillars, just like Islam, only Islam’s are a lot nicer) is the transition plan for the first 180 days of the Trump administration. Kind of hard to believe that none of Trump’s people have heard of it, especially since 140 of his top aides from his last administration co-authored Project 2025. Basically, it’s a nightmare. Restores the Spoils System, makes all government workers Trumps’ personal serfs who he can fire and hire at will. Eliminates most of the departments of government, including the EPA, Education, Health and Human Services, and such vital agencies as NOAA, and FEMA.

We already know what sort of man Donald is. Now we know Vance is no better. And Project 2025 tells you a lot about the people supporting Trump.

They aren’t doing it for you. As far at they are concerned, you are there to generate revenue, buy their stuff, and keep your fucking trap shut.

It won’t be a fun existence. Especially since tyrannies like that need endless scapegoats to distract and intimidate you with. They’ll start with immigrants, but it won’t stop there. The camps will grow huge, and as they grow huge, more expensive. You can probably figure you where things go from there.

Don’t listen to what Trump and Vance say: they are inveterate liars and hypocrites. Instead, see what their supporters say. There’s the real agenda, and it’s an ugly one.

The real problem is what they want to do to the dollar, the constitution, the judiciary and the rules based international system is an absolute train wreck, a perversion of what was once conservatism. It is a brand of anarcho-Christian populism, which borders on fascism; it is a very dangerous time for the United States. The deficit spending is out of control and if they devalue the dollar they’re going to disrupt the entire global capitalist system. The United States could lead the world out of this problem, but it would need to do it in a way that is almost the opposite of what they are doing.” — Anthony Scaramucci on Project 2025


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