Biden’s Save — It’s Harris, and her support is wildly solid

Biden’s Save

It’s Harris, and her support is wildly solid

Bryan Zepp Jamieson

July 22nd 2024

Minutes after I wrote an essay arguing that Joe Biden should resign the Presidency, making Kamala Harris President and presumptive candidate in November, Biden made the announcement I was hoping he wouldn’t make; that he wasn’t going to run for reelection, and wasn’t endorsing anyone to replace him.

I muttered “crap” and hurriedly added a note to my piece, which had argued that Biden not running and not endorsing Harris would be the worst decision he could make. I noted the two previous times an incumbent had made that decision (Truman and LBJ) the Democrats lost badly in the ensuing election.

I went and took a nap (over 100 outside, but don’t worry: Trump says climate change is a hoax) feeling depressed.

And when I woke up an hour later, a seismic shift had occurred. Joe Biden from his COVID sickbed gave a roaring endorsement of Kamala Harris, and I watched in sheer amazement as the party coalesced around her in a way I’ve never seen Democrats do—not even in 2008, when the party was spellbound by the Obama magic. In the following 24 hours, an unprecedented $81 million in donations rolled in, followed by an announcement from the Soros family that they would be opening the fiscal floodgates to support Harris. An incredible 28,000 people signed up to actively campaign for her. In one day.

In the same period, every Democrat who might plausibly mount a run against Harris endorsed her. Even Joe Manchin, who considered an implausible run briefly, looked over the new political landscape and endorsed her. All but a handful of party leaders have fallen in line, with only the Obamas and Clintons yet to weigh in.

I wondered about that naptime that occurred between what I considered a disastrous move by Biden and the announcement that galvanized the party in a way never seen before. In just one day, they’ve come from trailing Trump in the polls to all but having put this to bed. What happened in that hour?

What I’m hearing is the original announcement was one that Biden and Nancy Pelosi reached. Pelosi was of the strong opinion that voters would not like what would amount to a coronation of Harris by Biden. And in normal circumstances, she probably would have a point. Americans are adverse to “smoke filled room” nominations, which is why the primary process came about in the first place. Although again, 1952 and 1968 showed what a party in disarray just months before an election because the incumbent decides not to run accomplishes.

Biden must have thought along similar lines, and I get the feeling he simply blind-sided Pelosi. Biden is old, and may sometimes be a bit confused, but he’s a long way from senile, and his political insticts are still sharp—as is his resolve. He understood that even if he felt up to the job, the ongoing doubts, exacerbated by right wing smears and propaganda, meant he couldn’t win, and nor could “player to be named later.” So he endorsed Harris, perhaps the most brilliant move of his career.

About an hour ago, Pelosi endorsed Harris. Her political instincts are every bit as good as they have ever been, and she’s one of the best in the business.

I fully expect to hear endorsements from the Clintons and the Obamas in the next day or so. Making this as close to a unanimous choice that the Democratic Party has ever come.

She’s a damned solid candidate, smarter, tougher, and a better person than Trump.

The Republicans are in a blind panic. They are in the position of the dog who caught the car. They worked hard to drive Biden out, but now they find their own propaganda working against them. Suddenly, the national focus is where it should have been all along—on Trump. Is he senile? Is he crazy? Is he evil? Is he stupid? Is he immoral? Is he dishonest?


He’s everything they accused Biden of, and much worse. Defending Trump is not going to be fun.

Mike Johnson, the worst speaker in American history, declared he would sue the Democratic Party for a bait-and-switch on their primary voters. Quite aside from the fact that he lacks standing (even the Heritage Foundation stooges on the Supine Court would have trouble getting around that), the Dems do have the option of replacing the primary winner should he or she prove unfit at any time before the election. And like most such Republican schemes, Johnson’s brainstorm could backfire on him, because Trump IS unfit for office, and may blow up and do or say something so egregiously mental that even the Republicans realize he has to go. And unlike the Democrats, the Republicans have HAD their convention, the one with all the felons and people with sanitary napkins strapped to their ears, and have formally nominated Trump.


The dirtbag contingent are in full flame mode, calling Harris “a DEI hire” (the new phrase for n*****) and brought up the old chestnut that she came to power by sleeping with Willie Brown*. Because Republicans can’t imagine a woman rising to power without giving blowjobs, which leads to questions about MT-G or Bobo or any of the harpies of the GOP.

Well, they speak well for the GOP, don’t they?

It’s still a long way to election day, and the National Association of Zealots and Ideologues is going to spend many billions to overthrow the election and stage a christofascist coup, so we aren’t out of the woods.

But I feel a whole lot better about our prospects now.

And once again, with deep feeling: Thank you, Joe Biden.

* Willie Brown was a legendary Speaker of the Assembly in California and then Mayor of San Francisco over a thirty year period. His was a colorful and extraordinary career. A typical highlight came when one Democratic member of the Assembly snarled that Republicans “were just a bunch of white men with tiny dicks.” Brown reluctantly punished her for her remark, but the following morning, Republican members of the Assembly came in to find little tins of Vienna Sausages on their desks. Nobody could prove it, but everybody knew: It was Willie Brown.

Satire is Dead – Trumped like a can of beans

August 18th, 2020

Hours before the opening of the Democratic Convention, Trump tried to grab the headlines that he would be making a very, very important pardon the next day.

A lot of people thought he might pardon Julian Assange, if for no other reason than it would annoy American intelligence agencies. Even Trump couldn’t quite dare pardoning Snowden, who is more of a loose cannon. Now, my own opinion was the pardon couldn’t be all that important, since Hitler blew his brains out 75 years ago and even Trump wouldn’t be able to rehabilitate him. Granted, I was joking, but Trump, like most right wing whacks, will do ANYTHING if he thinks it might annoy a liberal. Honoring Hitler has a proven track record of annoying liberals. And since Trump is reduced to thinking anyone not in Qanon or the Nazi Party is a liberal, that’s a satisfyingly large audience to antagonize.

So today, he pardoned…Susan B. Anthony. Now, there’s nothing wrong with the pardon itself. The 19th century suffragent was convicted under an unfair and unjust law, one that was struck down some 48 years later and 14 years after her death. She’s since been widely honored, becoming the first actual woman to be on a US coin.

But in the middle of a vast campaign to persuade voters that permitting mail-in voting would cause vast amounts of voter fraud and thus would justify disenfranchising millions of Americans, he just pardoned someone for committing the crime of … voter fraud. Yes, that’s right. Anthony was convicted and jailed for voting under false pretences, ie, pretending to be a male. A US male, if you will.

Trump had various loony toons from the anti-abortion movement with him as he signed the pardon. The no-choicers had decided, based on precious little evidence, that Anthony was anti-abortion. While she surely opposed the practice of forcing women to have abortions against their will, there’s no record of her opinion on the right of women to elect to have an abortion. Indeed, while abortion was fairly common place despite being sometimes illegal in some states, it wasn’t a big issue since the country wasn’t overrun with pseudo-religious nutjobs who mistook their own personal squeamishness for a natural law of the universe.

Some wondered if Trump was taking a shot of some sort at Michelle Obama. The former first lady had just decimated Trump in a speech at the DNC, declaring Trump “in over his head” and deadpanning, “It is what it is.” Trump was in an open fury the next morning, banging around on Twitter like a nervous cat in a box with exploding ladyfingers. If he was trying to show up Little Miss “It Is What It Is” he missed badly.

Having put that nasty little negress in her place (and I’m pleased to see my spell checker didn’t like that word), Trump went after Jacinda Ardern, another strong women who has humiliated Trump in the past (they are legion, you know). Having just finished eulogizing his brother for having the grace and courage not to be jealous of Donald’s superiority and brilliance, he attacked Ardern and New Zealand for having an outbreak of Covid-19. “The places they were using to hold up now they’re having a big surge … they were holding up names of countries and now they’re saying ‘whoops! Do you see what’s happening in New Zealand? They beat it, they beat it, it was like front-page news because they wanted to show me something.”

The “Big Surge” was nine new cases in one day. Under Trump’s leadership, the United States has more than nine new cases each and every second of every day. The second wave is arriving—there has been a surge of new cases throughout Europe (where the disease actually originated) and Asia. New Zealand had been doing extraordinarily well fighting the plague (the best, as opposed to Trump’s America, which has been the worst) but this is a pernicious disease.

Perhaps if Trump is really lucky, a child will die in New Zealand. Then he can use that to justify the ten thousand or so children in the US who are likely to die from his push to have the schools reopen.

Finally, just in case anyone is feeling a need to ironically mock the American leader, Trump yesterday teamed up with that con artist Mike Lindell, who shills pillows on the television to hawk the latest miracle cure for Covid-19: Oleander. The compound, called oleandrin, is toxic, and has no known efficacy against Covid-19. One expert wrote, “Oleandrin? Yeah that would definitely end up killing people,” tweeted David Juurlink, MD, PhD, of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center in Toronto. Trump is pressing for the FDA to give it a handwave approval, desperate for a miracle cure before the election and willing to kill millions if need be to secure such.

I hereby urge Trump and everyone who supports him to take oleandrin and let us know how it works out. After all, it won’t kill all of them, and they should be prepared to risk their all for Donald.

And we can bury the unlucky ones in the same graveyard where we just buried satire.


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