President Kamala Harris — If Joe Biden steps down

NOTE:  I finished this essay just minutes before Joe Biden announced that he was not running for President, but not stepping down as President, or endorsing a successor.  I’m going ahead and publishing this essay anyway, as written, in the hopes it might influence people to urge Biden to make a stronger and more directional decision.

Bryan Zepp Jamieson

July 21st, 2024

Ever since the debate I’ve been going back and forth in my own head about whether Biden should run for a second term. There’s no doubt in my mind that he is in better shape, physically, morally, mentally and psychologically than his opponent, but he has a disadvantage in that his supporters care if the president is fit to run the country or not, whereas Donnie One-Ear’s supporters are content merely to worship their idol.

If Biden were to step down, he would go down as the greatest one-term president in American history. He has served his term with immense competence, overcoming daunting odds to create the greatest legislative legacy since FDR. His policies have brought the country back from the brink of a depression to a roaring economy, and for the first time since Reagan’s ‘trickle down’ madness was inflicted upon the country, workers and the middle class are gaining ground. He has brought manufacturing back, made vast updates and improvements to the national infrastructure, and made inroads in smashing the corrupt system of permanent economic servitude known as ‘student debt.’ His legacy is secure, and no mountain of Republican lies can change that.

While a lot of people who think he should step down propose that he just announce he isn’t running again (as did Lyndon Johnson and Harry Truman) it’s worth noting that in both instances the party left without an incumbent president went on to lose both the White House and Congressional supermajorities.

That’s illustrative in another way: in both cases, the prior president died in office (Franklin Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy) and both Johnson and Truman, running on their predecessors’ policies and platforms, were elected with huge majorities against fundamentally weak Republican candidates.

Biden announcing he won’t run again would be a mistake, and we would probably see a floor fight at the convention followed by a sweeping loss. I’ve no doubt that would be the last meaningful election America would ever see. If Trump gets back in office, we are finished.

But if instead, Joe Biden resigns the Presidency, then Kamala Harris becomes President. Not ‘acting president’ or ‘president pro tem’ but THE President. She would be the incumbent (and eligible to run for two full terms in addition to the months remaining in Biden’s first term) and effectively the head of her party. If she decides to run (and it’s nearly impossible to imagine a circumstance where she wouldn’t) the Democratic Party would have little choice, politically or tactically, but to back her and nominate her and a running mate at the convention, three weeks from now.

If she runs on Biden’s platform, and has the full-throated support of Biden, then the Democrats would be united. Even the Democrats mooted to be possible presidential candidates, such as Gavin Newsom or Adam Schiff, would have little recourse but to support her.

The only President to resign office was Richard Nixon, and he did so in disgrace. With Biden, it would be an act of heroism and personal character, putting the interests of the country ahead of his own ambitions. He would be a hero. And if he, along with Obama and the Clintons, is actively campaigning for her, then Biden’s final official act will be one of pure courage and genius.

Which leaves one question: Is Kamala Harris up for the job?

Often the vice presidential nomination is a matter of naked political calculation. The putative goal is a “balanced ticket” wherein the VP candidate is strong in a region where the presidential candidate is weak or appeals to a constituency not keen on the presidential candidate. Harris wasn’t the result of such; she is from California, which was already a given for Biden, and is liberal-centrist, like Biden. The bigots will say she’s a ‘minority hire’ or some other such crap, but honestly—does anybody know a Repucican black person and/or a woman who said, “I was going to vote for Trump, but Harris is a DEI, so I’m switching?” Yes, there are black people and women who support Trump. But you only need to watch them for a few moments to see they aren’t quite right. None of them are going to switch for Harris.

With the possible exceptions of Al Gore and puppet master Dick Cheney, most VPs don’t have memorable terms. John Nance Gardner once remarked of his job as VP that it was “Not worth a bucket of warm spit.” Basically, the VP has three jobs: cast a tie-breaking vote in the Senate, certify the electoral college count, and wait for the president to die. In most of the history of the Republic, that made the job an utter sinecure.

What about the rest of her career? Well, stellar. As a district attorney she was tough on crime, but had compassion. She opposed the death penalty in all cases, sometimes in the face of intense political pressure. In 2005 she created an environmental crimes unit, and a hate crimes unit. She vigorously persecuted marijuana traffickers, but very rarely persecuted end users, and didn’t seek prison time on such offenses. On violent crime, she was suburb, achieving an 87-percent conviction rate for homicides and a 90-percent conviction rate for all felony gun violations.

She was elected State DA in 2010 in one of the closest elections in state history (it took three weeks to determine she was the winner, but won reelection in 2014 by nearly 58% of the vote, showing strong public consensus behind the job she was doing.

She went after the mortgage mills that nearly destroyed the economy in 2008, and clawed back over a half billion dollars in false claims from two major Medicare swindler companies. She backed and then utilized the Homeowner Bill of Rights which eliminated egregious abuses by the banks and saved not only thousands of people their homes, but homeowners around the state billions of dollars.

She consistently has fought major corporations and banks for the rights of consumers and employees and the public at large. Her record as state DA is utterly amazing, and leaves me with no doubt that she can stand nose-to-nose with Donald Trump, call him a liar and a crook, explain why he’s a liar and a crook, and send him away crying like a little bitch. She’s far more a man than he’s ever been.

Harris, backed by Biden and the rest of the Democratic party, is what we absolutely must have if Trump and the National Association of Zealots and Ideologues who back him are to be defeated.

Like Nixon Flinging Poo — Trump’s demise is ultimately low comedy

Bryan Zepp Jamieson

July 25th 2023

Back nearly fifty years ago, my buddy Grunt and I were sitting around in my room/converted garage and just shooting the shit. It was late July, 1974, and it was becoming obvious that the Nixon presidency was drawing to a close. Like nearly everyone, we were wondering What Would Happen Next.

Grunt was of the opinion that Nixon would not go quietly, and gleefully painted a lurid picture of a naked or near naked Nixon, clinging frantically to the top of the highest flagpole over the White House, howling obscenities into the wind as he swayed back and forth, shrieking and flinging his poo at the army helicopters that circled around him.

Mind you, this was back when presidents were supposed to be dignified and present a good example to the nation. Lyndon Johnson and Harry Truman were considered shockingly undignified at the time. We thought Nixon was the worst, most blatant criminal to ever occupy the oval office. But at least he tried to hide his wrong-doings. And he even had a moral basement. For instance, as the looming indictments and impeachment grew, he and staff forbade themselves to use the word “pardon” in any context (Gerald Ford didn’t get the memo, apparently) not just because it looked bad, but it crossed a line most of Nixon’s staff were not willing to step over.

It was a different era. Since then, we’ve had Reagan, Bush the lesser and Trump to show that the adage that “anyone can grow up to be president” includes fools, morons, scofflaws and people so poorly trained in social skills that they wouldn’t be able to hold a job pumping gas. People might want an Abraham Lincoln, but they’ll settle for a Zaphod Beeblebrox. Two heads are better than one, right?

But back in 1974, Grunt’s view of the demise of Nixon was outrageously funny. (There may have been some beer involved.) It was about as outside the realm of expected actions as the Pope hitting the local pub, getting pissed and doing a Knees Up Mother Brown whilst wearing an Andy Capp cap. Jerry Lewis playing Atticus Finch.

I should ring Grunt (we talk about once a month anyway) and get his take on the demise of Trump. I know he’s delighted. I never saw him more openly angry then he was when, in the summer of 2016, we discussed the chance of Trump becoming president. We both knew the possibility was real.

But it would be unfair to expect Grunt to match his soliloquy on Nixon. At least, as far as being outrageously and unexpectedly funny. Grunt still has matchless verbal skills.

It’s just that every night now, Trump climbs the Truth Social flag pole and starts screaming and flinging his poo. He screams delusional bluster about how indicting him “will destroy the Joe Biden presidency” and calls for Congress to destroy the FBI, the District Attorneys, and every other legal force that might inconvenience him. He makes open threats, and openly promises pardons to the violent filth that turned out on his behalf on January 6th. He’s showing all the dignity and gravitas of one of the meth clowns in wifebeaters waving 40s who got hauled in on Cops. Mack Sennet comedies usually ended with more gravitas and probity. Trump has reduced American politics and governance to a pie fight.

Grunt won’t be able to match his effort which I remember so vividly a half century later.

Sorry, Grunt. It’s not you. It’s the world that’s changed.

What is truly depressing is how much of America Trump pulled down around him. Oh, his supporters have always existed, and they were always deplorable. Trump just made it easier for them to crawl out from under their rocks. But the GOP has become a self-doomed disgrace. When Trump falls, they will implode. They worshiped Trump, and he gave them the moral equivalent of syphilis.

Will the media have a similar fall? Faux will never recover from the role they played propping up Trump and lying on his behalf. But what about CNN and MSNBC, who even now put in hours pretending the Trump presidential campaign is a real thing and he might be president again? It’s a lie, one that drives up ratings, and they know it’s a lie. They can bloviate all they want about how popular Trump is amongst Republicans, but that is only a quarter of the voting population. The rest want to see the end of him in overwhelming numbers. Sixty percent of voters reject Trump under all circumstances. No candidate can overcome that.

Will the media do their own version of Nixon’s demise as Trump collapses? After all, once he’s in prison and finished, how are they going to attract viewers? More indictments are coming, possibly this week, and some are the sort that will finish any political credibility Trump has remaining. Even his followers are beginning to wise up. Prince Charming just wants to sell Springfield an elevated monorail, and whatever Jesus is doing, even the Jesus that wants to gas transgenders, he isn’t hugging Trump.

It’s a sign of how frantic the right is becoming as they become ever more loud and violent and vicious, hoping to detract from the fall of Trump and hoping that something in their message will appeal to Americans. It explains the flat-out Naziesque cruelty of people like Ron DeSantis or Gregg Abbott, or the increasingly ludicrous Hunter Biden scandal or the Barbie foofooraw. (Yes, Barbie. The doll. Apparently she’s an agent for Pink China.)

Expect lots of monkeys on lots of flagpoles throwing lots of poo.

But watch carefully: Three quarters of the population will be still, and silent, and thoughtful, carefully watching the end of Trump and his diseased movement. They, not the poo-flingers, are what matter.


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