He Does Mean It — We know the truth behind Trump’s lies

Bryan Zepp Jamieson

October 14th 2024

The New York Times may not be a particularly good source, because it’s utterly incapable of acknowledging, let alone challenging the threat Donald Trump poses. They cling to a safe and reassuring pretense that this is just a routine election where Democrats favor the middle class and the Republicans favor the upper class. They are incapable of recognizing that one of the candidates is a violent, sociopathic fascist with Hitlerian ideations.

But they aren’t alone in this delusion. Trump supporters, the ones who don’t wholeheartedly embrace his paeans of hatred and revenge and suppression, are telling themselves that Trump doesn’t really mean those things he says.

An article by Shawn McCreesh appeared today titled “The Trump Voters Who Don’t Believe Trump.”

The subheader read: “When the former president endorses violence and proposes using the government to attack his enemies, many of his supporters assume it’s just an act.”

This appeared in today’s…[drumroll]…New York Times. I see it as a sign that even the Old Grey Lady has realized that horse-race coverage of an ordinary political contest just isn’t cutting it.

The opening line reads, “One of the more peculiar aspects of Donald J. Trump’s political appeal is this: A lot of people are happy to vote for him because they simply do not believe he will do many of the things he says he will.” He goes on to list some of the more egregious threats Trump has made, including weaponizing the Justice Department, imprisoning political opponents, purging the entire civil service and replacing it with loyalists who take office swearing loyalty, not to the United States Constitution but to himself. He notes Trump’s blood-curdling threat to have a day of violence, or his cheerful brag that deporting millions of immigrants, documented and undocumented would be “a bloody business.”

None of this is news to anyone who has been following the news. Even the Times has reported on these, and is starting to pay attention to the wilder and more deranged statements Trump has made.

But the heart of the article is this: “Many of his supporters assume it’s just an act.”

We’ve heard that before in history. Less than a century ago, in fact. In 1933 Adolf Hitler got 37% of the vote for Chancellor, and his party, the NAZI party, got a slim majority in the Reichstaag. He was able to leverage that thinnest of wins into one of the most horrific regimes in history.

After the war and Hitler’s suicide, a lot of surviving Germans murmured, “We didn’t think he meant it. We thought it was just an act.” Some of them were doubtlessly just trying to avoid culpability, but a lot were sincere. How else could you explain that Hitler got votes from 3% of German Jews in that 1933 race?

Hitler made no secret of his murderous and psychotic desires. He wanted to rid the world of Jews. He wanted to enslave and decimate “the mud races” to the East and exterminate all Asians. He regarded Americans as a weak and self-indulgent nation of shopkeepers and race-mixers.

But he also had an immense and effective propaganda machine. Historian Robert Wilde has written, “Hitler was able to present an image of himself as a superhuman, even god-like figure. He wasn’t portrayed as a politician, as Germany had had enough of them. Instead, he was seen as above politics.” It’s easy to laugh at the portraits of Trump presented as a superhero (reminding me most unpleasantly of The Boys’ Homelander) or even as a divine figure, Christ-like. But Hitler used the same tactics and imagery to promote himself as a god-savior of his nation.

Wilde goes on to say, “Hitler managed to look like someone who would unite Germany rather than push it to extremes: he was praised for stopping a left-wing revolution by crushing the socialists and communists (first in street fights and elections, then by putting them in camps).” Between “left wing lunatics” and “people with bad genes” Hitler and Trump pounded away at enemies largely of their own devisements.

Critically, there remained one other element that Hitler and Trump used to attain power: they persuaded the power elites, the rich and the industrialists, that he was a true-blue capitalist who would promote industry and weaken the roles of workers and consumers. He would stand tall against communists, socialists, and unionists. So in either iteration, business and the aristocracy supported this mad figure, convinced that once he attained unlimited power, they would be able to control or at least manipulate the erratic figure.

If this all sounds familiar, then you know a bit about history, and you’re realized that I’m not comparing Trump to Hitler just as a cheap and lazy rhetorical device, but because Trump is consciously and deliberately tracing the steps Hitler took to attain power.

You can go to Amazon to find Adolf Hitlers “My New Order” for sale. https://www.amazon.com/Order-Collection-Speeches-Adolph-Hitler/dp/4871879089

The blurb for the book reads: “My New Order has attracted the attention of the press with the rise of Donald Trump as candidate for President of the United States because his first wife Ivana Trump revealed that Donald Trump reads a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed. It can be seen that there are clear similarities between the speeches of Trump and the speeches of Hitler. Here are examples: They repeat themselves constantly, saying the same things over and over again. They never admit they have made a mistake nor do they ever take anything back. To any criticism, they respond by insults and name calling. They use a low form of language, with simple sentences even a person with the lowest level of education or with no education at all can understand. Another contrast is the sheer volume of words. Hitler gave a thousand speeches and spoke millions of words. Hitler communicated almost entirely through his speeches. Hitler’s speeches were long, usually one and a half to two hours long. Trump made one of the longest speeches ever to accept the Republican Party nomination for President of the United States. His speech lasted one hour fifteen minutes. Trump communicates almost entirely through his speeches and through his tweets.”

Sound familiar? It should. Trump is no reader, but he read this one carefully, night after night, according to his then-wife Ivana, now buried on a Trump golf course. Nor does he deny it, justifying the fact that he had the book in the first place by claiming it was given to him by “a Jewish friend.”

My New Order is in effect a explanation by Hitler of how he rose to power. Trump took it to heart.

Stop pretending Trump is a normal candidate who wants to govern. He’s a vicious madman who learned from the ‘best’.

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